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Accepting Donations for Mission Trip to Honduras and Peru

​​Midwest Eye Mission Trip Donation TreeThe tree covered with glasses in the reception area of Midwest Eye is not just for decoration but a place for you to hang any eyewear, prescription glasses or sunglasses, that you are no longer using.

These glasses will be joining Dr. Robert in January, on a mission trip to Honduras. Dr. Robert will join a team of doctors, dentists and many volunteers through World Gospel Outreach to offer eye care and dental care to people in the Tegucigalpa region of Honduras.
2015 will be Dr. Robert’s 15th year visiting Honduras, and we’re hoping to help him bring more people the gift of sight through donated frames and lenses. While we are gearing up for this year’s trip, please remember that we do accept donations all year!
Dr. Bauer will be heading to Peru in June for his 3rd mission trip with a surgical eye care team through The Peruvian Eye Mission in Puira, Peru. While the main mission of this group is to perform cataract surgery, YAG laser surgery, and the pre and post operative care for patients, Dr. Bauer also sees and evaluates patients with glaucoma and sore eyes. In addition to providing eye care to people in this area, the team also brings food to people in the more remote areas and helps build homes as well.
Photos of both doctors mission trips are posted in one of the hallways in our new office – Come check it out!