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Important Information about Covid-19

At this time, Midwest Eye is still seeing scheduled patients as planned and our optical department is open. Our office has implemented protocols that will limit our contact with patients and the possibility of transmission of COVID-19. We understand that you may choose to reschedule your appointment. We politely ask that you notify us if you will not be coming in – all cancellation fees will be waived at this time.

We are:

  • Increasing the frequency and extent of our cleaning practices before and after any patient contact throughout the office
  • Eliminating some of our sign in paperwork and shortening exam times
  • Educating our staff on preventative measures provided by the CDC and the WHO
  • Providing additional resources to our patients and employees including hand sanitizers in the office, extra soap and paper towels in the restrooms
  • Spacing out chairs and furniture in the waiting areas to 6 feet apart
  • Implementing heightened sanitation and hand washing procedures for all employees
  • Asking patients not to put frames back on our optical boards after trying them on, but to set them aside so they can be properly sanitized.
  • Offering drive-up dispensing of glasses, contact lenses and eye vitamins (We just ask for a call and payment ahead of time)

We are also asking that you reschedule your appointment and please stay home if you, or anyone in your household has traveled outside the country in the past 4 weeks or are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Shortness of breath

Our policies and protocols are subject to change as we continue to receive updates from the CDC. We will make every effort to update our phone message, website and social media, should our hours change in the future. Please do not hesitate to call us with any questions or concerns.